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This utility package provides some convenience Utilities that provide some manipulations with several data types.

See: Description

Package Description
This package contains some small infrastructure that simplifies and automates working with Factories that provide concrete implementations of an Interface.
This package contains infrastructure that can run user implemented Task classes in a separate thread at configured time interval.  
This utility package provides some convenience Utilities that provide some manipulations with several data types. It introduces a new type "Version" as well as "VersionRange" and provides tools for version comparison, conversion from and to String as well as work with Version ranges.

Probably the most interesting and useful feature is stacktrace extractor that allows to extract full or shortened version of stacktrace from Exception. In particular it is very useful in J2EE environment. Exceptions on the server side usually come with HUGE tail of application server related packages. That makes logs very verbose and hard to read and search. TextUtils provides various getStacktrace methods that may drastically reduce such stacktraces in a very smart way so all the important information is preserved. It sifts through "caused by" and "suppressed" parts of the stacktrace as well. Also the same utility (starting from version allows to filter and shorten stacktrace as a string the same way as the stacktrace extracted from exception. So, essentially stacktraces could be filtered "on the fly" at run time or later on from any text source such as log.

Another important feature (since is JSON parser (JsonUtils class) that provides some simple methods to serialize any object into JSON String and parse (deserialize) JSON string back into the instance of the class. This class is a simplifying wrapper over basic functionality of Jason-Jackson library. It provides simplicity but doesn't handle well deserialization of List/Set/Map of Objects. If that functionality is needed than just use the original Json-Jackson library (or any other JSON library)

Other features include parsing String into most of the implementations of Number interface without having to catch NullPointerException of NumberFormatException. The methods take String value to parse, default value in case of failure and messages (optional) that will be printed into log if some error occurred.

Another useful feature is parsing String to time interval. It parses Strings with numerical value and optional time unit suffix (for example string "38s" will be parsed as 38 seconds, "24m" - 24 minutes "4h" - 4 hours, "3d" - 3 days and "45" as 45 milliseconds.) This method may be very useful for parsing time interval properties such as timeouts or waiting periods from configuration files.

Also there is a feature that converts String to preserve indentation formatting for html without use of escape characters. It converts a String in such a way that its spaces are not modified by HTML renderer i.e. it replaces regular space characters with non-breaking spaces known as '&nbsp;' but they look in your source as regular space ' ' and not as '&nbsp;' It also replaces new line character with '<br>'.

Another feature is some small infrastructure that simplifies and automates working with Factories that provide concrete implementations of an Interface. The package contains just 2 classes: BaseEntityFactory and BaseEntity. In short what this infrastructure does is that if you create a factory that extends BaseEntityFactory and some Interface with all its concrete implementations extending BaseEntity then each your concrete implementation class instances will be automatically inserted into your factory. You won't have to worry about how and when to populate your factory. The infrastructure will do it for you when the constructor of your concrete implementation class is invoked. So all you will have to do is to create any number of concrete implementation classes and make sure that for each one constructor is invoked. After that you can use your factory to get any of your concrete implementation classes anywhere in your code.

Also class StringUnicodeEncoderDecoder converts String into sequence of unicodes and vise-versa.

Finally WebUtils class provides a method for chunked reading of HttpRequest content. This could be useful when receiving large files from client on the server side and the reading speed of the server is faster then writing speed of the client. The utility allows for auto throttle to adjust to the client.

If have any feedback feel free to drop me a note at

The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Michael Gantman

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.

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